On 2
nd Of this Month i was surfing and i was shocked to see the news Microsoft &
Novell joined hands. I watched this on
softpedia and then i went to
novell.com to cross check it. Initially i was not happy about it as all of us Linux guys who used to hate
microsoft suddenly find it playing in our domain and that to with
Novell which was my
favourate Linux company as it belives in innovating in linux . Then i thought maybe we may have microsoft linux 1.0 by next year(he he) but what will happen then as most of us who are NTMS(NT Microsoft) will they stop using Novell or will we accept it well have to find that out. What i feel is that this is the biggest news for Linux user as till now microsoft used to say that Linux is nowhere in its competition but now it has realized its power and potential and if microsoft will pour in dollars for Linux then Linux may flourish more and at the end customer will be the winner as there will be more interprobilty between both OS and may be we finally live in peace with microsoft.